Wellbeing Naturally

Move without Pain

Move without Pain

Move without Pain

10 Tips to KEEP you doing those Movements, Exercises or Activities.

10 Tips to KEEP you doing those Movements, Exercises or Activities.

Feeling better, can sometimes be an uphill climb, but when you get there, it has to be worth it!
Here are a few tips to make sure you do the activity that is most helpful for you.

  1. A bit like cleaning your teeth, it’s good to have a time of day that you feel is a good exercise time. Often after a morning shower is a good time, or just before you go to bed. Put a post-it note on your mirror to remind you.
  2. If you don’t feel like it, then promise yourself that you will just do 5 minutes. That’s all. Please don’t stop altogether, it can be tricky to get going again. Set your phone and do 5 mins, if after that you feel good to keep going, brilliant, do so!
  3. Enjoy the movement. Try not to go through the motions. Think about what you are doing. How does it feel? Be curious – what happens if I do this….? Can I do that….? Almost any exercise is better than non.
  4. If it hurts a little and the pain dissipates quite quickly afterwards, that’s great. Good level of mobility reached. If it continues to hurt and the next day it is still uncomfortable, too much. Do a little less.
  5. Expect DOMS!! Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Totally normal and a ‘good’ pain. Pains that ‘catch’, prevent movement or give you an anxious feeling, need a bit of thinking about. Do a little less, see how it feels and build slowly. Move slowly and breath out with each action.
  6. Enjoy the exercise you are doing, do something you really enjoy or find one you can enjoy! Movement, having a good time, relaxing, sleeping will all help with your adherence to more activity and movement.
  7. Join a group, pay for it up front. That way you will go because you have paid for it, even though you may prefer not too. A group also gives you a support network, the chance to chat and have fun.
  8. If you are using a band or weights, put them somewhere obvious, in your site line. In the kitchen, so you can do a few exercises while the kettle is boiling.
  9. If you watch ITV, do your exercises during the adverts. If you don’t, then plan your exercise in between programs.
  10. Walk and use the time to roll your shoulders, go onto your tip toes, do a few squats, walk a few lunges.
But move, regularly, for 20 minutes a day. Get out of puff 3 times a week. Please.