Use Weights

Use Weights They have arrived! If like me, you are getting a little older, then weights or bands for resistance training are really important. Being stronger helps in a whole host of ways. Weights help with improving balance, lifting grandchildren, helping against osteoporosis, you are less likely to fall over, your reactions are quicker and Continue reading »

13 Tips for Home Fitness

13 Tips for Home Fitness Home exercising and you. Where, weights and bands to help. When home exercising choose a room in your house that can easily be used. Wooden floors can be slippy. Mats can also slip on wooden floors, but tend not to on carpets. Roll up rugs. Anywhere where a mat will Continue reading »

6 Amazing Reasons to get More Sleep

6 Amazing Reasons to get More Sleep. There are many reasons to sleep more, not least because you a bit rubbish when you’re tired. Many ‘Gurus’ have encouraged us to sleep less to achieve more. It seems that is a myth. To be fully creative, effective and a high achiever, you need sleep. Because sleep Continue reading »

The Myth of Being “Fixed”

The Myth of Being “Fixed” Some clinicians would like you to keep coming back to be ‘fixed’. The truth is, only you can do that. Take home the concepts of Movement, Strength and Pain Information, and work with them.     Support, advice, massage, exercises and movement, all will help you on your journey. Continue reading »

What happens in your first consultation?

What happens in your first consultation? Your first consultation will include an physical assessment, designed to look at the area that is troubling you. I may do some special tests to clarify the problem, i.e. is it a nerve issue or an over use problem. There is a health consultation form which we will fill Continue reading »

How can pregnancy massage help me?

How can pregnancy massage help me? From the moment you become pregnant, your body begins to change. Hormones surge into your body and hijack it. Knowing that you are pregnant could be the most amazing knowledge, or it could be a bit of a shock. Whatever your situation, pregnancy massage will help to relax you, Continue reading »

Body Image and Massage

Body Image and Massage Body image risks and reward in massage

. Almost everybody has something about their body that they don’t like. For many people it’s a minor issue, no big deal. But some people have a major issue with their body image. It affects how they live and their happiness.  When I tell some people Continue reading »

6 tips to give a fantastic massage.

6 tips to give a fantastic massage Everyone wants a massage, but sometimes making it in to see your favourite massage therapist (hi there!) just isn’t feasible. How do you give a fantastic massage? Have a better day It’s in those unexpected and inconvenient moments that knowing how to give your partner a pretty great Continue reading »

Tissue Tolerance

Tissue Tolerance It’s all about Tissue Tolerance. Well, not all, but a lot. You have hurt yourself, perhaps pulled a muscle, strained a ligament, sprained an ankle or have a sore back, you name it and you have done exactly as you have been told……… Surprisingly 😉 you have followed your Sports Therapists, Physio, Osteopath’s resting, Continue reading »