Wellbeing Naturally

Move without Pain

Move without Pain

Move without Pain

What happens in your first consultation?


What happens in your first consultation?

Consultation and Assessment


Your first consultation will include an physical assessment, designed to look at the area that is troubling you. I may do some special tests to clarify the problem, i.e. is it a nerve issue or an over use problem. There is a health consultation form which we will fill out together. The form is to make sure that the treatment is the right one for you and to go a little deeper into how we might be able to work together to resolve your pain or injury. This is your time, for you to give me as much information as you would like to, about your reasons for your visit.

At your first consultation, if your reasons for treatment are due to long term or chronic pain, then I may take a little time (if that is OK with you) to discuss the latest evidence we have about pain. How best we can work together to improve how you feel, reduce your pain and help you develop positive coping strategies going forwards.

Each treatment will comprise of some ‘over the towel’ work to loosen and mobilise your body. This is followed by hands on massage. Your massage can be as ‘deep’ as you feel is right for you. Where there are painful areas, I will help to gently ease those, release nerves that may be restricted and further mobilise the area.

At the end of your treatment I may suggest exercises, movement and mobility for you to do at home to further encourage the healing process. I will encourage and support you throughout our journey together, whether it is just one treatment or more.

Your treatment is Sports Massage Therapy and there are three elements to your session, of which massage is one, to get you on your way to health and feeling great.

Now that you feel familiar and confident that your first consultation, there  is nothing to worry about, please ring 07795552910 or email me on sue@wellbeingnaturally.co.uk

I would be delighted to help you as much as I can.